Proposal on the future science-technology laboratory
1. Experimental, learning and research process
The science laboratory will be divided into 2 main sections (experimentation and research room) by means of a glass wall and a door to enable students to have direct entrance to either section. The research room will be equipped with highly computerized technology materials, such as laptops and even a high speed internet connection; in a way to facilitate students as learners to enhance and broaden their knowledge and thus support their learning process skills by means of exploring expert’s resources as reference.
Data collection from the experimentation room will be transmitted to the computers in the research room and thus can be stored and optionally can be sent directly to teachers via virtual methods such as email or blog for marking purpose, etc. The experimentation room, on the other hand, should have many work stations ideal for group of 4 or less students to carry out their practical works conveniently. Computers or Ipad (which are covered with non-rusty transparent materials to avoid rusting and accidents, such as spillage of harmful chemicals) will be attached on each work station so that students can communicate with their teachers and classmates virtually using live messenger and thus students don’t have to walk around the class just to communicate with their peers and even teachers.
2. Security
Since the laboratory will be occupied with high-tech gadgets, security and maintenance approaches are significant. Each sections of the laboratory will have a security door where it can be only access by certain people, like, science teachers and lab assistants. Close circuit television or CCTV will also be provided which is used for surveillance purposes. The laboratory should also be securitized with sensor-detecting materials- window sensor which not only for security purpose (to protect the laboratory against intruders that happen to breach the window) but it can also detect any changes in terms of weather where it will change the colour of the glass automatically to neutralize the level of brightness from the outside atmosphere in a way to provide visual comfort of the classroom surrounding.

3. Laboratory arrangement and preparation
Use of database to monitor the apparatus, solutions (include the date of expiration) so that the lab technician can keep track of the validity of the solutions.
1. Experimental, learning and research process
The science laboratory will be divided into 2 main sections (experimentation and research room) by means of a glass wall and a door to enable students to have direct entrance to either section. The research room will be equipped with highly computerized technology materials, such as laptops and even a high speed internet connection; in a way to facilitate students as learners to enhance and broaden their knowledge and thus support their learning process skills by means of exploring expert’s resources as reference.
Data collection from the experimentation room will be transmitted to the computers in the research room and thus can be stored and optionally can be sent directly to teachers via virtual methods such as email or blog for marking purpose, etc. The experimentation room, on the other hand, should have many work stations ideal for group of 4 or less students to carry out their practical works conveniently. Computers or Ipad (which are covered with non-rusty transparent materials to avoid rusting and accidents, such as spillage of harmful chemicals) will be attached on each work station so that students can communicate with their teachers and classmates virtually using live messenger and thus students don’t have to walk around the class just to communicate with their peers and even teachers.
2. Security
Since the laboratory will be occupied with high-tech gadgets, security and maintenance approaches are significant. Each sections of the laboratory will have a security door where it can be only access by certain people, like, science teachers and lab assistants. Close circuit television or CCTV will also be provided which is used for surveillance purposes. The laboratory should also be securitized with sensor-detecting materials- window sensor which not only for security purpose (to protect the laboratory against intruders that happen to breach the window) but it can also detect any changes in terms of weather where it will change the colour of the glass automatically to neutralize the level of brightness from the outside atmosphere in a way to provide visual comfort of the classroom surrounding.

3. Laboratory arrangement and preparation
Use of database to monitor the apparatus, solutions (include the date of expiration) so that the lab technician can keep track of the validity of the solutions.